1. Jude Wanniski, copy desk, circa 1965

2. Jude Wanniski, Wall Street Journal, circa 1975

3. The Laffer Curve Napkin, September 13, 1974

4. Jude Wanniski, with Rep. Jack Kemp in background, circa 1979

5. Ronald Reagan, inscribed to Jude Wanniski, circa 1982

6. Jude Wanniski, Iowa Speech, 1982

7. PBS "Wall Street Week" appearance, 1982

8.With Louis Rukhyser, "Wall Street Week," 1982

9. With Richard Grenier, Washington Times columnist, in Asia, 1986

10. MediaGuide Publicity Photo, Morristown, NJ, 1987

11. With President Ronald Reagan, Washington, DC, December 1988

12. With President George H.W. Bush, Camp David, April 22, 1989

13. With Arthur Laffer and Robert Mundell, circa 1990

14. With Vice President Dan Quayle, January 1990

15. With Steve Forbes, Lane Kirkland and Ken Tomlinson, Reyjvik, en route to Moscow, December 8, 1991

16. With Paul Volcker, New York City, 1992

17. With Robert Novak and Rowland Evans, Polyconomics Conference, 1993

18. With Irving Kristol, Polyconomics Conference, 1993

19. With Wayne Angell, Beijing, 1993

20. Jack Kemp, Senator Robert Bennett, Wayne Angell, David Malpass, Senator Connie Mack, Washington, circa 1995

21. With Bob Dole, circa 1995

22. With Arianna Huffington, New York City, 1996

23. With Michael Milken, Lake Tahoe, 1996

24. With Minister Louis Farrakhan, Polyconomics Conference, 1997

25. With Reuven Brenner and Robert Mundell, Polyconomics Conference, 1999

26. With Ronald deLaRosa and Barbara Haslam, Morristown, NJ, 2000

27. Lecture Photo, Radisson Cruise Line, 2003